Monday 3 April 2017

She is relentless. Called to tell me that she discovered my secret gmail, twitter and facebook accounts. To be caught was not nice. Still did not budge. Shut her up, calling her a maniac. Gave her a phony reason- that it was related to work. . I realize this is hard to swallow. Especially when I swore on many occasions that I did not have any twitter, facebook and other gmail accounts. It's apparent from the contents it is not work but pleasure.I do not care what she thinks.

Sunday 2 April 2017

yours truthfully

April 2nd, 2017
Today I have again fulfilled my capacity as a people hater, especially towards my wife. I have ignored all her questions as to my secret virtual dalliances history, giving false answers and or deviating from the main subject by starting a fight and insulting her. I hold myself unaccountable to all her queries. Only last week I ignored her questions regarding why I deleted my LastPass history, why I have over 70 applications on my iphone and ipad, why I disguise and sweep every trail of all my activities on my ipad, iphone and pc and why I am online 7x24. She deserves no truthful answers. She deserves only lies. She is just a pest in my eyes. The more pain I cause her, the better. I take every opportunity to tell her that I have had enough of her, want to get rid of her, wish her dead and her very existence disturbs me.
I have no qualms about hurting her emotionally and physically. I have no ethics regarding sanctity of marriage vows and fidelity. However to her, I always claim to be hundred percent straight,  guiltless, honest and true. I see her struggling with life especially with her son's serious health problems and yet I am in complete apathy. I watch and sneer. Evasiveness is always better. She calls me on Duo but I ignore it and tell her that my phone did not ring. I can do all kinds of things to block and manipulate such things because I am an IT wizard. She is miles away and has no way of tracking me down. My strategy is paying off, I can see that she is at her wit's end. Maybe she will end her life in that remote village- if only. What a fool she is. I never showed her my true face. She is beginning to be aware of my secret activities but can not come up with any solid proof. There are only a couple of messages she saw by pure accident (I somehow forgot to delete permanently )  a colleague sent me ..telling me he misses me MUCH and is thinking of me. I start big fights every time she raises this question and of course, deny everything categorically. I hope she will learn to shut up and bear her load. I am determined to keep my affairs secret. That's me for today. Yours truthfully.